
3 Ways Poor Copywriting is Harming Your Online Business

Poor writing costs American businesses $400 billion each year. Inaccurate, misleading, or poorly researched copy can undermine your business’s credibility and authority.

3 years ago, I was $18,226 in debt. I had no money for rent and food. Frustrated, stressed and hopeless, I burst into tears.

Today, 3 years later – I’m doing over $34K/month. Friends and family are wondering why I am so laser-focused and displaying more commitment than ever before in my life.

So how did I go from near bankruptcy, to making more money than I thought was ever possible?

The journey

In 2020, I lost my job when covid hit. I was confused. I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to make it out of that situation. That was when I was forced to take things seriously.

I had to do anything at this point to make it happen. I tried everything: Drop shipping, Forex trading, Amazon FBA. But nothing ever worked. I always failed because I didn’t have the right mindset and accountability.

Feeling stuck, I cried. Once the tears dried, I had immense clarity. I told myself I would NEVER be in this situation again.

That’s when I stumbled upon copywriting. This time, I did things differently. I learnt everything I could about it.

Turn around

Within the first 7 days I made my first $500. After that, everything turned around.

First month I made $5,234 after a $26,500 B2B project for one of my clients. My commission was 20%.

Second month I made $7,107 from two clients for $3,500 each. I am now at $63,657 in gross sales with a 75% profit margin and on track to make over $300K this year.

This is NOT that kind of story!

The internet is full of success stories that promise quick and easy riches, but often they fail to show the hard work, dedication, and even setbacks that come along the way. Sometimes, you might even encounter people trying to take advantage of your dreams.

This is what happened to user Ameh Joy Ada (@Joyada_Ameh) and others like her.

Joy, who recently ventured into affiliate marketing gave this sad story on her X account; “As a newbie, right now I have every reason to give up.

I started affiliate marketing a few weeks ago, made two sales but my second sale failed because of transaction issues. I saved up some money to run paid adverts.

Someone from Twitter said he could direct me to an ads expert who can run me a good advert. After making payments for the advert, the ad guy and the Coach Daniel blocked me.

I can’t access them on WhatsApp and Coach Daniel blocked me on Twitter. The ads guy claimed to be ‘Jojo Falani.’

I made payment for one week Facebook advert. I paid 16K and I know how I labored for that money.

Now how do you expect me to keep being consistent? How do I start? How do I encourage myself to keep being in the Almighty “affiliate marketing business”?

Is this all newbies get scammed or is my case just different? “

Self-proclaimed professionals

Joy’s story is a sad one. Several people have fallen victim to these ‘gurus’ who will share their sad rags-to-riches story, then offer to help you start and create a profitable business.

They make it look so believable, like anybody could get rich off of it. Whole time they are faking it. They are making money off of selling a dreams to their followers.

Unfortunately, copywriting is one of the fields flooded with these self-proclaimed ‘gurus’ who will guarantee they’re making money thanks to copywriting.

These ‘professionals’ will claim to help you achieve great results:

  • Email-crafter, I help info product owners and brands craft emails that convert prospects into paying client. If I were to help you add an additional $30K on autopilot per month to your business over the next 120 days on autopilot, would you be interested in hearing more about it?
  • Helping you scale your info product, coaching and high ticket offer beyond 6-7 figs with direct response emails and funnels. What if I can add an extra $250K – $600K to your business in the next 30 Days? I generated over $500K for Jack in the last 3 months, in one of the most saturated markets. DM for a free sample.
  • Copywriter with $13M in sales. 1B+ views. Makes 7+ figure. Worked with over 100 businesses. Helping you scale your coaching business in size and revenue. Coached 200+ marketers and used copywriting to sell $3M+. I’ll teach you how to build and make money writing. Get my free email course below.

As a businessman, getting your money lost should be the least of your concerns. Hiring these ‘professional’ copywriters should be.

Poor copywriting, whether on websites, emails, or advertisements, can have far-reaching consequences for your business.

The cost of poor copywriting for your business

1. Negative Customer Perception

Inaccurate, misleading, or poorly researched copy can undermine your business’s credibility and authority.

This can damage your reputation and make it difficult to build lasting customer relationships.

One researcher estimates that poor writing costs American businesses $400 billion each year.

Sloppy writing with errors, typos, or jargon may signal to customers that your business is careless or unprofessional.

A study conducted by Website Planet reported that, typos in ads resulted in a decrease of up to 70% in clicks.

They also saw a bounce rate increase of 85% when a landing page with typos was compared with a typo-free landing page.

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave your website after looking at just one page.

2. Decreased Sales and Conversions

It is the copywriter’s job to force the prospect to read his client’s full story—not just a skimmed version of it.

Eugene Schwartz

Copy that fails to engage or persuade your potential customers is unlikely to drive sales or conversions. Hence, your businesses may struggle to attract and retain customers, ultimately leading to lower revenue and profitability.

Unclear calls to action, lack of product benefits, and lack of compelling messaging can all lead to people abandoning their carts or leaving your website without making a purchase.

According to Baymard Institute, the average cart abandonment rate is 69.99%, which means that only three out of ten customers who fill their shopping carts actually complete their purchase.

3. Higher Customer Support Costs

According to Statista, consumers returned products worth a staggering $817 billion which is just over 16% of total retail sales.

Additionally, nearly 80% of US online shoppers are less likely to shop from the same retailer again due to a poor returns experience.

Confusing or misleading product descriptions is a major driver of these costly returns. If customers don’t understand what they’re buying, they’re more likely to be dissatisfied and require additional support after purchase.

Effective copywriting can significantly reduce customer returns by providing clear product descriptions and managing expectations.

By investing in good copywriting, you can ensure your customers have a clear understanding of your products, leading to fewer returns and a more positive customer experience.

You want to be the one that creates your copy (or at least edits it)

Jim Edwards

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By Ian Kothol

Direct Response Copywriter | Email Marketer | Content Writer | Helping you craft compelling messages that resonate with your target audience driving action | Run your business, I'll worry about the writing

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