
3 Quick Steps to Turn Your Product Features into Benefits

Visitors to your website can’t touch your product or ask questions about it’s features. They rely heavily on the information you provide to make correct purchase decisions.

Therefore, poor product descriptions that fail to convey the unique value of your products, lead to low conversion rates.

Turning your product features into benefits helps your customers understand clearly what your product will do for them. This helps them make faster purchase decisions resulting in more sales.

People buy results. A well-written product description can make all the difference between you and your competitors.

Like your competitors, you most likely sell your products across several eCommerce channels. If you can show your customers that your product can offer solutions to their problems and needs, they will buy from you. Not your competitors.

Your customers do not care about you, your product or your company. They only care about themselves and their problems.

Highlighting your product’s benefits — not features helps demonstrate how your product can meet their needs and provide them value. 

What is the difference between a feature and a benefit?

In reality, every product you are given to sell is actually two products. One of them is the physical product—the steel, glass, paper or tobacco that the manufacturer has shaped into a particular pattern, of which he is justly proud. The other is the functional product—the product in action—the series of benefits that your product performs for your consumer, and on the basis of which he buys your product.

Eugene Schwartz

Features describe what your product is or what it includes, such as its size, color, material, or weight. They are often tangible and measurable aspects of your product.

Benefits describe what your product does for your customer or how it addresses their needs, desires, or pain points. They are often intangible and subjective, focusing on the value your product offers to your customer.

The high-resolution camera on your smartphone allows you to capture sharp and vivid memories of your favorite moments effortlessly.

Feature Benefit
High-resolution cameraCapture sharp and vivid memories of your favorite moments effortlessly.
Feature vs Benefit

Why should you turn a feature into a benefit?

People don’t buy the drill; they buy the hole.

Theodore Levitt

1. More Sales

Poor product descriptions that fail to convey the unique value of your products, lead to low conversion rates.

According to Neilsen Norman Group, incomplete or unclear product information accounts for 20% of failed purchases.

Unlike customers in a physical store, visitors to your website are more restricted. They can’t touch your product or ask questions about its features before making a purchase decision.

The product description is all they have to rely on to make an informed decision. When you don’t provide the desired information, they can’t decide if your product will meet their needs or solve their problems.

Hence, they quickly move on to another seller rather than take a chance on purchasing your product.

Or they make incorrect assumptions about your product, buy it and later discover out of frustration it’s not what they needed, and return it.

Your product description is your sales pitch. It should provide valuable information to potential customers.

Well-informed customers are likely to make a connection to your product which makes them more likely to buy. Therefore, clear and descriptive product information is essential.

By focusing on the benefits of your products, you align your messaging with what matters most to your customers, making it more relevant and compelling.

In a crowded marketplace, emphasizing the benefits of your product sets you apart from competitors who may be solely focused on features.

By showcasing the positive outcomes and solutions your product offers, you differentiate yourself and create a compelling reason for customers to choose your product over others.

2. Effective Marketing

Benefits-oriented messaging is more persuasive and engaging than providing a list of features.

It captures attention, communicates value, and increases the confidence of potential customers in the quality of your product, ultimately driving sales and conversion rates.

This is why having good product descriptions is essential. According to a recent report, 83% of shoppers found product images and photos to be very influential. 82% said the same for product descriptions and specifications.

Highlighting the benefits of your product makes it more relatable to your customers. It shows them how your product or service can solve their problems and improves their lives which increases its perceived value and relevance.

3. Emotional Connection

Benefits are more emotionally compelling than features. They speak directly to your customer’s need and desires and can create an emotional connection with the product.

When a customer feels an emotional connection to your product, they are more likely to remember it and consider purchasing it.

A greater focus on benefits gives you a huge opportunity to differentiate your products from competitors.

Emphasizing how your product can make customers’ lives easier, more enjoyable, or more fulfilling evokes positive emotions and strengthens their liking towards your brand.

How do you turn a feature into a benefit?

Sell the benefits, not your company or the product. People buy results, not features.

Jay Abraham

1. List the features of your product

A feature is what something is. What can your product or service do? What does it offer?

The features of a vacuum cleaner will include stuff like:

  • Smart navigation system
  • Scheduled cleaning functionality
  • Multi-surface cleaning capabilities
  • Self-charging capability
  • Wi-Fi connectivity

When most people write their product descriptions, they stop here. Like robotic vacuum cleaner with smart navigation system is supposed to mean something to somebody. Nobody will buy this, you need to drill deeper.

2. Highlight advantages

You need to ask why is that feature it helpful? What problem(s) does it solve? Why is it important?

In the case of that vacuum cleaner, the advantages will be:

  • Smart navigation system: Efficiently navigates through rooms, avoiding obstacles and ensuring thorough cleaning.
  • Scheduled cleaning functionality: Set cleaning schedules.
  • Multi-surface cleaning capabilities: Cleans various floor types (e.g., hardwood, carpet) with equal efficiency.
  • Self-charging capability: Returns to the charging dock automatically when the battery is low.
  • Wi-Fi connectivity: Enables remote control and monitoring via smartphone app.

3. Communicate benefits

A benefit is what something does for you. Why is this relevant to the reader? What does it mean for them? What will it do for them?

In the case of the vacuum cleaner, the benefits include:

  • Smart navigation system: Come home after a long day at work to a clean and tidy home, with no need to worry about vacuuming or cleaning floors.
  • Scheduled cleaning functionality: Maintain a tidy home without having to worry about remembering to start the vacuum.
  • Multi-surface cleaning capabilities: Provides versatile cleaning solutions for different floor types, accommodating diverse household needs with ease eliminating the need for multiple cleaning devices.
  • Self-charging capability: Uninterrupted cleaning sessions, giving users peace of mind and assurance of a consistently clean home.
  • Wi-Fi connectivity: Manage cleaning tasks efficiently from anywhere, anytime.

Once you’ve identified your features, advantages and benefits, lead with the benefits and support them with the features.

  • Come home to a clean and tidy home [Benefit] without the need to worry about vacuuming or cleaning floors with our smart navigation system [Feature] robotic vacuum cleaner.
  • Effortlessly maintain a spotless home from anywhere, anytime [Benefit] with our new Wi-Fi-enabled [Feature] robotic vacuum cleaner

Features vs Benefit examples

1. Wireless earbuds

Feature Advantage Benefit
Bluetooth connectivityEffortlessly connect to your devices without the hassle of wiresEnjoy your favorite music or podcasts without constraints during workouts, commutes, or daily activities at home.
Active noise cancellation technologyBlocks out background noiseEnjoy a more immersive and uninterrupted listening experience
Touch-sensitive controlsControl your earbuds effortlesslyManage your music and calls with the touch of a finger
Long battery lifeReduces the need for frequent recharging Enjoy uninterrupted listening enjoyment for up to 10 hours on a single charge
Features, advantages and benefit of wireless earbuds

2. Smart thermostat

FeatureAdvantage Benefit
Remote temperature controlAdjust your home temperature remotely from anywhere using a smartphone or voice commandsCreate the perfect indoor environment without being home
Energy usage monitoringTrack real-time energy consumptionSave money on utility bills
Programmable schedulesCustomizes heating and cooling schedules Optimizes energy usage and enhances comfort by automatically adjusting temperatures according to users’ schedules
Compatibility with smart home systemsIntegrates seamlessly with other smart devices and platformsSimplifies home management by integrating with other smart devices, enabling seamless automation and customization of the home environment to suit users’ preferences and lifestyles.
Smart thermostat features vs benefits

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By Ian Kothol

Direct Response Copywriter | Email Marketer | Content Writer | Helping you craft compelling messages that resonate with your target audience driving action | Run your business, I'll worry about the writing

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