Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Will A.I Replace Copywriters?

Artificial Intelligence(AI) will eventually surpass human intelligence.

As AI systems become more advanced, they will develop capabilities that exceed human cognitive abilities in numerous domains.

“I’m not going to waste time, effort and energy on a battle I have zero control over. It may replace copywriters, it may not. Everyone’s playing a guessing game at the moment.”

@JoshyLupin, Reddit

AI is GREAT. But there are certain things it’s not good at. AI can’t tap into human emotions. It can’t truly understand the unique tone, values and emotions that define a brand voice.

I can process information and respond to your questions in a comprehensive and informative way, but I lack the emotional capabilities of living beings.

Google’s Gemini

AI can analyze data, but it can’t grasp the deeper motivations, desires and pain points of customers. AI doesn’t understand customer awareness and market sophistication levels.

AI can generate copy in minutes, but it lacks strategic thinking and creativity needed to develop truly compelling concepts and messaging. At the moment, there’s no AI that can write persuasive copy.

Could that change? Mo Gawdat, Former Chief Business Officer of Google X in his book, Scary Smart, outlines these 3 ‘inevitables’:

  1. AI will happen: The development of artificial intelligence is unavoidable and will continue to advance. AI will increasingly integrate into various aspects of our lives transforming everyday activities.
  2. AI will be smarter than humans: AI will eventually surpass human intelligence. As AI systems become more advanced, they will develop capabilities that exceed human cognitive abilities in numerous domains.
  3. AI Can Be Good or Bad: The impact of AI on society can be positive or negative, depending on how it is developed and used. AI has the potential to bring about tremendous benefits as well as significant risks.

I am sure you’ve already realized that the first inevitable is indeed inevitable. AI is NOT going away, it is getting better. OpenAI recently released GPT-4o on 13th May.

It can understand and generate larger amount of text. It is twice faster than ChatGPT 4 and provides more up-to-date responses.

There is a fourth inevitable; copywriters who don’t leverage AI will be replaced.

It’ll come down to copywriters who accept AI as a necessary tool and those who don’t. The who don’t will be left behind.

Learn to use AI as a tool. A musical instrument in the hands of someone untrained, produce noise and discord. In the hands of a skilled musician, it creates harmonious melodies.

AI when used effectively by a knowledgeable copywriter enhances creativity, efficiency and precision, resulting in compelling content that drives action.

Remember, it’s important to integrate AI thoughtfully to maintain authenticity and creativity.

  1. Review and edit: AI can sometimes produce content that is off-brand. Always review and edit AI-generated content to ensure it aligns with your brand’s voice and messaging standards.
  2. Refine: AI tools can enhance creativity but should not replace the human touch. Use AI-generated content as a starting point. Then refine it with your unique voice and insights.
  3. Stay updated: AI technology is rapidly evolving. Stay informed about the latest advancements and tools to continuously enhance your copywriting processes.
  4. Be ethical: Ensure that AI-generated content is original and not plagiarized. Be transparent with your audience about the use of AI where appropriate. [This blog post was written with the help of AI]

How can you integrate AI in your work?

1. Content generation

With AI content generation tools like GPT-4o, you can input a topic and a few key points, and the AI will generate a draft you can refine by adding your unique voice and insights. This significantly reduces the time you spend on initial drafting

These tools can generate everything from blog posts and social media updates to email newsletters and product descriptions.

AI tools like HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator can also help you brainstorm topics and angles for your content.

By providing a keyword or a theme, these tools can generate a list of potential topics, helping you overcome writer’s block.

2. Editing

To ensure your newsletter is professional and engaging, run it through Grammarly, before sending it out.

It highlights any grammatical mistakes, suggest more concise wording, and check for tone consistency.

AI-powered grammar and style checkers like Grammarly help you maintain high standards of writing.

3. Performance Analysis

Understanding how content performs is crucial for refining strategies and improving future content.

AI tools like Google Analytics, BuzzSumo, and SEMrush provide insights into content performance, audience engagement and competitive analysis.

You can use BuzzSumo to track the performance of your blog posts. It provides data on social media shares, backlinks and overall engagement.

This helps you understand which topics resonate with your audience and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

AI is not going anywhere. It is becoming better at understanding and generating human-like text. Don’t fight against it. Embrace it.

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By Ian Kothol

Direct Response Copywriter | Email Marketer | Content Writer | Helping you craft compelling messages that resonate with your target audience driving action | Run your business, I'll worry about the writing

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