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What Exactly Does a Copywriter Do?

“To properly understand advertising or to learn even its rudiments one must start with the right conception. Advertising is salesmanship.”

Claude Hopkins

Copywriting is crafting persuasive text, intended to encourage a specific action from the reader.

This could range from making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, clicking a link or simply becoming aware of a brand or product.

Role of a copywriter

  1. Writing advertising copy: Creating catchy and persuasive content for ads across various platforms, including print, digital, radio and TV.
  2. Website content: Developing engaging and informative content for websites, including landing pages, product descriptions and blog posts.
  3. Email marketing: Crafting compelling emails that drive conversions and build customer relationships.
  4. Social media content: Writing posts that capture attention and encourage interaction on social media platforms.
  5. Sales copy: Creating direct and persuasive messages designed to drive immediate action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.

How do you start?

Unsure of where to start or what steps to take next?

This is the ultimate copywriting course guaranteed to land you clients in 30 days, I make 6 figures a year, last month I did over $50K through my email marketing technique, My method generated over $100K for John in 3 months.

I am sure you have come across these messages. You know them. Courses, blogs, Youtube channels. There are plenty of copywriting resources available. All promise outstanding results.

For a beginner, it can be tricky to figure out which one will give you the best results and scale your income the fastest.

Teaching yourself

So you try to teach yourself copywriting by browsing through hundreds of accounts on every platform possible. You subscribe to a lot of emails from many copywriters. Still no progress!

You go on Youtube, but you become too curious and jump from one video to another. All seem to offer value. You don’t where to start.

After 3 minutes, you settle on that ‘one’ video but it is disjointed and leaves you having to pay for a course to get real guidance. You click on another video.

It starts by telling you why copywriting is so amazing for half an hour, gives you little value and then promote their high ticket course for an hour.

Paid courses

You tell yourself, maybe you need to pay for a course. Maybe you need a mentor. So you decide to pay for an online course. You take from your savings. You borrow to pay for the course.

The course is only two weeks long: Still, you haven’t become a great professional copywriter, but the two weeks you paid for are up, so you don’t have any support.

You take another course, the full program is over $30,000. It’s too expensive. Luckily, they’re offering a lite program which is just over $10,000.

You complete the course but you still struggle for a couple months to make heads or tails of copywriting.

You’ve wasted your time, money and effort with little to no results. You end up doubting if copywriting is something you should do. So how should you choose from the numerous resources available?

Let me introduce myself

I am Ian Kothol. A student at the Technical University of Kenya, pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

I’m a broke college student who has way too much debt and piled up bills, but who’s been looking into copywriting for a while now.

I started looking into copywriting, late October 2023. It was confusing at first. I didn’t know where to start. I looked into paid courses but they were too expensive. The amount being charged by some courses was enough to make me a millionaire in Kenya.

You quit, you’re dead!

Having a history of quitting, I was even more determined to prove myself wrong. Decided to give EVERYTHING. No money, no mentor, no problem. My friend Brad told me, “This time you quit, you’re dead!” Made it clear that I had no excuse.

Having nothing to go on except the hunger to learn copywriting. I started by reading Eugene Schwartz’s book Breakthrough Advertising.

It interested me so much, I wanted to learn more. So I got more books. David Ogilvy’s Ogilvy on Advertising, Claude Hopkins’ Scientific Advertising, Robert Collier’s The Robert Collier Letter Book, Jim Edwards’ Copywriting Secrets.

I also subscribed to a couple of Youtube channels and newsletters. I am learning from the greats. People who I can prove know what they are talking about.

So you watched a couple of videos and read a bunch of books does that make me a great copywriter? NO.

Made sense

But it finally started to make sense. I realized the information in the blogs, videos, books were all revolving around the same things. Talking about the same things but in different styles. Some explained them better than the others.

Copywriting DIY is a collection of what I’ve learnt so far. It’s a documentation of what I’ve learnt from the best people in the industry.

Call it pointing you towards the right direction. Towards the resources you will find useful in your copywriting journey. There are a lot of good books, videos, courses and coaches you can learn from. This blog will help you identify them.

You watch a copywriting course that actually gets to teaching right away. You no longer have to watch random videos on Youtube that will give you little to no value.

You don’t have to sit there hoping to learn about copywriting only for the guy to talk 30 minutes about his paid course.

You get Copywriting knowledge that’s specific, won’t waste your time with theories that won’t help you become a good copywriter and outright practical.

This blog consists of the most practical and theoretical knowledge any beginner copywriter would ever need to start their own copywriting journey.

Do you need pay for courses, mentors and coaches?

There are courses worth every penny, worth every minute of your time. And these are the things you should pour your effort into. If you can. Well and good.

Some will even introduce you to copywriting clients. If you show up to lessons, put in effort and continuously seek feedback on your work, you might get introduced to high-paying clients. 

Others offer personalized feedback from the instructors which is hugely beneficial. You can submit any work, from web copy to email autoresponder sequences and get personalized feedback from the instructors and the other members. 

However, there is a difference between high-quality and mediocre courses. Even if you have the money, there are a lot of people offering courses, programs and materials to learn copywriting from.

In this blog, I will also identify those courses which will help you achieve the results you are looking for so you don’t have to worry about wasting money on a product that doesn’t deliver.

FREE materials and resources

Learning from mentors who have achieved the success you desire is essential, but you can also learn from peers who experience the same challenges you currently face.

If you don’t have money to pay for the courses, like myself, you will be thrilled to learn that there is a FREE video on Youtube, a free blog or a free newsletter that blows two paid courses out of the water.

One that shows the overall view of copywriting and takes you beyond the copywriting to various places like dealing with client, market research, quality of offer.

You can become a self taught copywriter if you know where to look and with AI it is even easier. You can leverage AI tools to become a more effective copywriter in less time. 

There is a lot of good free copywriting content that will leave you wondering why is this free? You just have to identify them.

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By Ian Kothol

Direct Response Copywriter | Email Marketer | Content Writer | Helping you craft compelling messages that resonate with your target audience driving action | Run your business, I'll worry about the writing

11 replies on “What Exactly Does a Copywriter Do?”

Hey there! We absolutely love reading people’s blogs and the inspiring content that creators like you publish. Your authentic voice enriches the engaging online community that we all value . Keep sharing and empowering your audience, because your creativity can make a positive impact on the world. We can’t wait to discover what you’ll produce next!

Thanks- Jason


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