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Consider These 6 Factors To Hire a Skilled Copywriter

According to Content Marketing Institute, 73% of companies now hire experts for their content strategy.

Learn how to choose a skilled copywriter who can enhance your brand’s message and drive engagement.

Do you want to effectively convey your brand message, engage your target audience, and drive conversions?

Think about the moments when you’ve been completely captivated by a thrilling movie or an inspiring speech. That’s the level of engagement you want for your audience.

You want your writing to ignite their curiosity and resonate with them on a personal and emotional level. You want them hanging on to every word, eagerly anticipating what comes next.

Choosing the right copywriter for your business is crucial to achieving this effect. The right copywriter can significantly impact your brand’s success.

More companies are recognizing this importance. According to Content Marketing Institute, 73% of companies now hire experts for their content strategy.

Finding the perfect fit

Before you start searching for a copywriter, understand your specific needs.

  1. What are your goals? Increase brand awareness, drive sales, generate leads or improve SEO?
  2. What type of copy do you need? Web content, blog posts, social media updates, email marketing, product descriptions or advertisements?
  3. Who is your target audience? Age, gender, interests and other demographic details?
  4. What is your brand’s voice and tone? Formal, casual, professional, humorous or conversational; Every word and image your copywriter chooses should create a clear picture of your brand’s unique identity, core values and the exceptional benefits of your product to your customer.

You need a copywriter who can deliver content that aligns with your objectives.

Where can you find copywriters?

  1. Freelance websites: Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr offer a wide range of copywriters with varying levels of experience and expertise.
  2. Professional networks: LinkedIn and other professional networks can be valuable resources for finding experienced copywriters.
  3. Content agencies: Agencies specialize in providing copywriting services and often have a team of writers with diverse skills.
  4. Job boards: Websites like Indeed and ProBlogger list job postings for freelance and full-time copywriters.
  5. Referrals: Ask for recommendations from colleagues, industry contacts or other business owners.

6 Factors to consider to before choosing a copywriter

1. Portfolio

Review the copywriter’s portfolio to ensure their writing style and tone align with your brand’s voice. A good copywriter should readily show you their previous work. Examine their samples critically: Is the copy easy to read? Does it inspire action? Does it make you want to buy?

Next, visit their website. Do they actively maintain a blog? Does their writing style match your brand’s personality? Assess whether they can craft compelling website copy that effectively showcases the benefits of your products and services.

Look for unique and engaging writing that stands out and captures the audience’s attention. If their content marketing is of high quality, that’s your green light to proceed.

2. Experience in your industry

If you’re trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think. We try to write in the vernacular.

David Ogilvy

Imagine waking up on a Tuesday morning and finding that none of the lights in your kitchen work. You try flipping the light switches, but nothing happens. Then you notice your toaster doesn’t power on either. What would you do in this situation?

You’d call an electrician, not a mechanic. The electrician would inspect your kitchen’s electrical panel, check for tripped breakers and test the switches and outlets. They would then identify the cause of the problem and recommend a solution, such as replacing a faulty switch or repairing damaged wiring.

Where am I going with this? Just like you’d call an electrician for an electrical issue, you need a copywriter who is well-versed in your industry.

Ask for a sample of content they’ve written related to your sector or similar to the type of project you have in mind. This ensures they understand your specific needs and can deliver the right solutions.

3. Research skills

Legendary copywriter David Ogilvy said, “Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals.”

A good copywriter should be able to conduct thorough product research, consumer research and competitor research.

4. SEO knowledge

According to HubSpot, SEO copywriting tactics are rapidly increasing with about 69% of marketers investing in SEO marketing.

If SEO is a priority, ensure the copywriter has a solid understanding of SEO principles and techniques.

5. Testimonials and references

If others in your industry have praised a particular writer, it’s a strong indicator of their skill. This is social proof at its finest.

Ask for references or testimonials from past clients. These will give you a clearer understanding of the writer’s strengths and reliability.

If they don’t have testimonials, request client references. Ask for contact information of their previous clients so you can call or email them directly. This will help you assess their experience and satisfaction with the writer’s work.

6.  Price

When evaluating a copywriter, be sure to ask about their rates. While these might seem high, remember: you get what you pay for.

Pay peanuts, says Jimmy Goldsmith, and you get monkeys. Exceptional copywriting talent is worth every penny. Poor writing costs American businesses $400 billion each year.

A cheap copywriter might lack the experience or industry knowledge necessary to craft compelling and persuasive content. This can result in flat writing that fails to capture attention, connect with your audience or drive conversions.

Moreover, inaccurate or misleading information in your copy can damage your brand’s reputation and erode customer trust. Investing in a skilled copywriter ensures high-quality content that reflects well on your business.

Will you have a good working relationship with your copywriter?

  1. Communication Style: Ensure they communicate clearly and promptly. Do they ask questions? Do they listen to you?
  2. Work Ethic: You don’t want a copywriter who never meets a deadline or is unreliable. Look for a copywriter who is dedicated, reliable and meets deadlines.
  3. Cultural Fit: Choose someone who understands and aligns with your brand’s values and culture.
  4. Flexibility: A good copywriter should be adaptable and willing to adjust their writing style to suit your needs.

How do you know your relationship is a success?

  1. Website traffic: Increase in website visitors and page views.
  2. Engagement: Higher engagement rates on social media and blog posts.
  3. Conversions: Increase in leads, sales, or other conversion goals.
  4. SEO performance: Improved search engine rankings and organic traffic.
  5. Customer feedback: Positive feedback from customers regarding the content.


  1. Before committing to a long-term contract, consider starting with a small trial project. Ask them to write a short sample to your specifications. This will allow you to evaluate their writing quality, adherence to guidelines and ability to meet deadlines.
  2. Offer detailed briefs outlining your expectations, target audience and key messages.
  3. You and your copywriter have a common goal. Give constructive feedback to help them improve and align with your vision. Good copywriters are open to feedback and also defend their ideas where appropriate.
  4. Keep the lines of communication open for any questions or clarifications.
  5. Get out of the way, let them do their work. Trust their skills and knowledge and be open to their suggestions and ideas.

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By Ian Kothol

Direct Response Copywriter | Email Marketer | Content Writer | Helping you craft compelling messages that resonate with your target audience driving action | Run your business, I'll worry about the writing

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