
Run your business, we’ll worry about the writing

One important thing. CopywritingDIY does not sell courses.

You’ve worked hard to build your brand; now it’s time to let your words work for you. The written word drives the web. It always has, and it always will. Words drive engagement. Words drive sales and conversions.

CopywritingDIY helps you create messages that resonates deeply with your audience, drive engagements, sales and conversions.

Our goal is to elevate your brand, engage your audience and drive your business forward through the power of exceptional copy.

What can we do for you?

1. Website copywriting

Your website is the first impression potential customers have of your business. You need a website that speaks directly to your customers, enhances your online presence and boosts your conversions. Not that bland corporate crap.

We work closely with you to understand your brand voice and values, target audience and business goals.

This helps us;

  1. Craft website content that not only captivates your visitors but also drives them to take action.
  2. Clearly communicate your value proposition and unique selling points.
  3. Maintain a consistent brand voice across all pages. This unified voice will guide all your content, ensuring a consistent message across platforms. Inconsistent messaging weakens your brand. A unique voice and image sets you apart from your competitors.

2. Blog and article writing

Content marketing is the only marketing left.

Seth Godin

We provide you with high-quality, informative and engaging content that deliver value to your audience.

Communities provide a platform for direct interaction with your customers. You can gather valuable feedback on products, services, and brand messaging, allowing you to improve your offerings and better meet customer needs.

The key to building a community is engaging content. Content marketing is the free content you share with your audience in exchange for their time and attention.

When done right, it’s a powerful tool to establish your authority, build trust with your audience and fosters a thriving brand community, ultimately fueling your growth..

We handle everything from topic research and keyword integration to writing and editing, ensuring your blog becomes a valuable resource for your audience.

This helps you:

  1. Position yourself as an expert in your industry.
  2. Drive more organic traffic to your website with SEO-optimized content.
  3. Keep your audience coming back for more with regular, high-quality posts.
  4. Turn readers into customers by addressing their needs and pain points.

3. Email marketing

We ensure your emails deliver results.

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to reach and convert your audience. Build and maintain relationships with your audience through regular communication.

We help you create compelling newsletters, promotional emails and drip campaigns that engage your subscribers and drive more conversions.

4. Sales copywriting

Generic copy don’t work. You need attention-grabbing headlines You need benefit-oriented Calls-to-Action. Every word counts when it comes to selling your products or services.

You need to:

  • Clearly convey the benefits and unique selling points of your products or services.
  • Create a sense of urgency that motivates customers to buy now.
  • Build trust with authentic and transparent messaging.

We focus on creating persuasive and compelling copy that addresses your audience’s pain points, fears and desires. This compels them to take action which in turn boost your sales.

5. Product descriptions

Salsify reported that 87% of online customers said good product descriptions influence their purchasing decisions. 

Product descriptions evoke emotions that can influence customers buying decisions, help your SEO efforts, and boost conversions.

We help you highlight the benefits of your products in a way that appeals to your customers and clearly communicates your product’s unique selling points.

Why work with us?

1. Personalized approach

We create copy tailored to the specific needs of your target audience and aligns perfectly with your overall marketing strategy.

We are a small team that takes the time to understand your business, your competitors and your audience.

2. Data-driven approach

A/B testing removes the guesswork from copywriting. According to Tech Report, 77% of organizations use A/B testing to optimize their conversion rate on corporate websites.

We don’t rely on intuition or assumptions, we use data and analytics to inform our content strategy and make decisions based on concrete data derived from actual user behavior.

3. Multi-platform expertise

Whether it’s crafting website copy, blog posts, or email campaigns, we can create compelling content for all your marketing channels, ensuring a consistent brand voice across the board.

Quality is at the heart of everything we do. Our rigorous editing and proofreading processes ensure that every piece of content we deliver is polished, professional and impactful.

4. Collaborative process

We maintain open and transparent communication throughout the entire project, ensuring that you are always in the loop and satisfied with the progress.

Throughout the copywriting process, we work closely with you to gather feedback and make revisions, ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with your vision.

5. AI-powered expertise

AI is not going anywhere. We leverage cutting-edge AI tools alongside our own experience to deliver high quality work on time, every time.

This means you can test different messages and know which one work best.

How It Works

Step 1: Consultation

We start with a consultation to understand your needs, goals, and preferences. This can be done via phone, video call, or email, depending on your convenience.

Step 2: Proposal

Based on our initial discussion, we provide a detailed proposal outlining the scope of work, timeline, and pricing. We ensure complete transparency so you know exactly what to expect.

Step 3: Research

Research is the foundation of good copy. Strong copy starts with understanding your audience.

We conduct thorough research to understand your product, competitors and your ideal customer’s fears, needs and desires.

This valuable insight informs the content we create, ensuring it resonates with your target audience.

Step 4: Drafting

We create the first draft of your content, focusing on clarity, creativity, and alignment with your target audience. This draft is shared with you for review and feedback.

Step 5: Revisions

We incorporate your feedback and make necessary revisions to ensure the content meets your expectations. Our goal is to deliver copy that you’re 100% satisfied with.

Step 6: Final Delivery

Once you approve the final draft, we deliver the polished content in your preferred format. We also offer ongoing support for any future updates or adjustments you may need.

Let us write, while you concentrate on running your business.

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